Holiday Chai Cranberry Nut Loaf Cake
Serve up slices of this delicious loaf to your friends and family, or savor for breakfast with a cup of tea. The spicy flavors of our Holiday Chai tea perfectly complement...
Check out some of our favorite recipes to get you inspired.
Serve up slices of this delicious loaf to your friends and family, or savor for breakfast with a cup of tea. The spicy flavors of our Holiday Chai tea perfectly complement...
A simple recipe for chai tea-based cupcakes topped with vanilla buttercream frosting. Have a sweet tooth? Give these little cupcakes a try! Blogger Marcella says they "taste like a chai tea...
A staple for those festive winter nights, made with our zesty Orange Spice tea. This recipe is brought to you by Kayleigh Kosmas of Oh Honey! Ingredients Makes one drink 1.5 oz. Cognac 1.5...
Looking for an easy and decadent hot chocolate recipe that will have you dreaming of winter magic in the enchanting City of Lights? This recipe will transport you to that beautiful snowy day,...
Looking for a recipe for a flavorful latte with a kick? Try our Ginger Fire Chai Tea Latte! Ginger Fire Chai is made with energizing black tea and yerba mate, a...
"Traditionally made with hot water, lemon, honey and spices mixed with some of that liquor...the hot toddy is a drink made for chilly, rainy days. It will even help you...
We challenged food bloggers to creatively infuse Stash Tea as an ingredient in savory dishes and beverages. From the wonderful range of responses, it was difficult to pick a winner!...
Featuring our Lemon Ginger herbal tea, this Stash signature beverage first launched at our tea bar in Northeast Portland and continues to be a customer and employee favorite. This zesty...
Treat yourself to a healthful boost with this tasty green smoothie packed with goodness and blended with Organic Moringa Mint herbal tea. Ingredients: Stash Organic Moringa Mint tea ice cubes...
The coziest drink award goes to this easy-to-make tea steamer. With the spicy-sweet flavors of cinnamon and vanilla, it's chilly weather comfort in a cup. Total Time: 10 Minutes Makes: 1 Drink Type: Cinnamon Vanilla...
Inspired by our most popular tea bar latte, Double Grey Portland Fog, enjoy a delicious version of this drink at home. Ingredients Makes one 12 oz latte 1 tablespoon Stash Double Grey...
Stay cool and refreshed all summer long with this Strawberry Hibiscus Iced Tea! Prep time: 18 minutes Makes: 4 16oz servings Type: Stash Wild Raspberry Hibiscus Stash Peppermint